Since Paul and I have dated, one of our goals is to top the others prank….he got me this year :-0
Most of you know me well enough that when I got a good look at what Paul had written on my cake I busted up with HUGE, LOUD laughter!! What a riot!!!! To top it off, he told the guy at the bakery, “Oh, and could you please put a heart on it so she knows I love her.” AAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh gosh I am still laughing just thinking about it :-D

Ok, enough of the cake (aaaaahahahahahahaha). My loving husband and two handsome boys took me out for an early birthday dinner this evening; this was the only evening that all four of us could be together for dinner this week. They took me to one of my favorite burger joints, Reb Robin (yyyuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm).
We had a great time with lots of yummy foods, tons of laughs, and good times. Oh, how I wish these moments would last forever!

So, that’s it. A crazy cake for a crazy lady. HAHAHA!!!!
Looks like you had a great birthday. Congrats!! And it looks like Sharon and I aren't the only ones blessed!!!!
Aaaaaaaahh! My eyes, they burn! Turn the sprinklers on, Turn Them On!
OMG, thats the BEST birthday cake EVER!!! HAHAHAAAAAAAAAA Y'all are too cute together! I'm glad you were able to spend time with the fam. Yay!! And on a side note...I'm luvin yer glasses. Very naughty secretary! LOL
♥ ya!
Only Paul, well okay and a few others possibly ;0, would have a cake made like that for you!! LOL ;)
I'm sure Red Robbin wasn't the same after you all left!
5 more days and you'll be closer to the Crypt Keeper... muahha ha ha ha ha!
Your Sis :)
p.s. dig the glasses
Well, I've never quite seen a cake like that before! That's great! What a fun guy your hubby sounds! Hey a very happy birthday to you if I missed it! Hope you have a fab week full of even more crazy surprises :D
Now that is my kind of cake..ha, ha..
Happy Birthday my dear friend..Looks like it was a fun time..Many, many blessings to all of you..
Wow! What a cake! I can only imagine the expression on the guy's face when Paul put the order in at the bakery, hahahahaha!!
Ok, so you be lookin' mighty sexy in those specs my dear! They really fit you so well - just gorgeous!
Looks like you guys had a blast at dinner and the rest of us are counting down till the day 5...4...
Great concept...However we all know that the noun being used should have been much larger, bold, capitalized and underscored with multiple exclamation points!
Happy birthday sis (in-law)!
Ok, I must get my laugh out of the way before I reply to everyone..
Thank you everyone (Damein, Josh, Angie, Rocki, Harriet, Rosebud, Sharon, and you, MARK) for the wonderful wishes ;-) We did have a blast last night at Red Robin and, uuumm, they were a little anxious for us to leave. How DID you call that one, Debi? LOL!
Harriet, you did not miss my b-day...we celebrated last night since it was the only night the four of us would actually be together. My real b-day is this Saturday. By the way, I can't remember if I wished you happy birthday last week????? If not, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!
So, Mark...are you saying Paul did not have the NOUN displayed properly? Well, let me defend my husband by saying Fry's Marketplace does not offer a cake the size of my table. Geesh. Ya know, maybe YOU should make me a cake that big and properly display the NOUN. Would that make you feel better????? HAHAHA. Actually, I thought of you last night (insert porn music here). I was thinking about the business card you made for me! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh you crack me up!
Thank you again for your warm wishes. Words cannot explain how much you all mean to me.
Love and hugs,
ps...Debi is older than me! AHAHAHAHA!
What a great cake and looks like a lot of fun too!
Liar liar pants on fire. I'm WAY younger than you :)
Um, anyone.....how do you spell out a choking laugh??? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Hey, Debi....I think your pants are on fire. Wait! Stay right there. Let your YOUNGER sister (that would be me) get a cup of water for you ;-) heeheeheehee.
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