This is my oldest son, Corbin, when he was much younger. He's always been a sweet, helpful, caring individual with BIG dreams. His dreams have led him through all sorts of "what I want to be when I grow up" careers but finally chose one. Now that he is a senior in high school, his dream is finally becoming a reality. But, before I get into his career choice, I want to tell you a little about him-
He was a good size baby weighing in at 8lb 11oz. and was 21 3/4" long. He started walking when he was 9 months old and had ALL of his teeth by the time he was 16 months. Freak of nature? Yep! LOl! I had to say that since I know he will be reading this.
Other than his BIG dreams, Corbin has a Big heart. Somehow, he has always found himself in strange situations or strange things found him. When he was 5 years old the doctors told us they found what looked to be a mass on the occipital area of his brain; further research proved not to be a mass yet an arachnoid cyst (water cyst). The doctors told us that it would be OK if they did not remove it as long as it did not grow anymore, however, if it were to grow they would have to remove it leaving Corbin with a 50/50 chance of brain damage. Someone up above stopped that cyst from growing and surgery was never required.
Later on in his life, Corbin found himself in another situation. Sadly, gangs are everywhere and of any age. There were a group of 8th grade kids that called themselves the "Dirt Match Gang". They would randomly pick a child, regardless of age, and beat him up after the school bus left. One day they picked out my youngest son, Cody. Corbin picked up real quick on what was about to happen and stepped in front of his brother and said, "He's only 7. If you want to fight someone, let it be me.." and they did. Corbin had the daylights beat out of him that day so that his brother wouldn't. With the help of the school and the police, ALL of the kids were arrested and expelled from school. His guardian angel is strong.
But this wasn't the end of Corbin's strange happenings. Shorty after recovering from the fight, he was hit by a car at the bus stop. The kids were playing tag and he slipped off the curb right in front of a car. The investigators and doctors all said he shouldn't have lived...but, once again, his angel came through for him and here is with us today.
I honestly believe that the strange incidences in his life has made him the way he is. Corbin loves life and life loves him back. I know you have been waiting to hear about his career, but how could I not share the triumph of this wonderful young man?? Well, this young man is going to become a lawyer of politics and, eventually, become a lobbyist. I'm sure most of you are probably dropping your jaw saying, "Lobbyist?" He is determined to change the faces of lobbyist to work FOR the people. I know he will. He came to us and said that he wants to attend a community college for his perquisites before attending ASU. Why? BECAUSE IT WILL SAVE US THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! He's not a lobbyist yet but he sure is practicing ;-)
So, America, here is your future lawyer who WILL become the lobbyist that America needs:
WHAT? Did you expect a picture of him in a suit?? HAH! He'll be the ONLY lawyer NOT to wear a suit!! And, if you ask him, this picture is of him walking the CAT walk for all the hot ladies. Um, Corbin, this is you after getting out of the pool at yours and Papa's birthday! Nice try, buddy ;-)
So, ladies and gentlemen, this is MY son!
What a wonderful career choice your son has decided on. I wish him all the best towards his goal! And your Corbin is a real cutie btw. But you know that already :)
Ok, I'm getting misty reading this!!
What this says to me is what a truly AMAZING set of parents CJ has. You both have given him the strength, courage and tools to make the best choices. Those choices have obviously led to some amazing and fantastic experiences a young man of his age will learn from and make him even stronger.
I am proud to know his mother ♥ and am proud to know he has a father like Paul. (hey Paul!) I believe CJ realizes the wonderful supportive family he has. I think I shall dub him "Courageous Corbin" or "CCJ". Because it takes much courage to do the right thing. (Especially now a days)
I applaud his bravery in going after his dreams of becoming a lobbyist. This young man will do phenomenal things.
Thanks for the introduction Laura :o) Its a pleasure to meet you Corbin! {{Sorry its so long, but I didn't want to just say, "cool, he sounds awesome dude" LOL}}
♥ Angie
Thank you Harriet...oooh and he knows he's a cutie. We have to tug him off his high horse sometimes ;-)
Oh, Ang...you're making ME misty!! Thank you so much. Paul and I do take some pride in the way he has grown up but as I was typing this my Courageous son, CCJ, and his father have played a prank on me!! Paul called me and asked if something smelled wierd in the room that my wonderful son was helping me by vacuuming........he sprayed FART SPRAY in my room and told me to sniff the "wierd smell"! UUUGGGHHHH!!!! LOL!!! But I can't help but laugh!!
and that my friend, says to me that he definitely got his sense of humor from his mama!!! LOL ♥
What a credit to you and your husband..He is a wonderful looking young man and has a wonderful looking spirit to go with it..I love to read these kind of things..not all that happened to him, but the end results..I say this, Clean out Washington...we need new blood there..
Oh my gosh Laura, this must be the day for writing about sons. Wow!
I can't believe all the trials your beautiful son has had to face but obviously he destined for great things beyond being the beautiful son that makes his parent so proud.
Thank you so much for this gorgeous and moving post!
Thank you, Ladies. Though I may be the parent, I have learned so much through Corbin...ooops...CJ and his triumphs. Ooohhh I can brag all day long about my kids!!
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