I would first like to thank EVERYONE for the sweet birthday wishes… THANK YOOOOOOOU!!!! Special thank you to Angie and Sharon…they wrote such beautiful posts on their blogs for me and to my sister Rocki and her hubby Mark for the awesome early morning birthday song :-D I am blessed to have so many wonderful friends and I wish to never know what it would be like to not have you all in my life and I thank God to be a part of yours ;-)
I spent my birthday hiking at Sabino Canyon in Tucson, AZ. with my husband (one of my favorite places to hike) and then had a fabulous dinner with some friends at The Melting Pot; it is a fondue style restaurant. I love Sabino Canyon for its diverse scenery…you will be hiking along a desert path and turn the corner to white sand and lush green trees. It is absolutely amazing. Here are a few pics I took along the way:
I spent my birthday hiking at Sabino Canyon in Tucson, AZ. with my husband (one of my favorite places to hike) and then had a fabulous dinner with some friends at The Melting Pot; it is a fondue style restaurant. I love Sabino Canyon for its diverse scenery…you will be hiking along a desert path and turn the corner to white sand and lush green trees. It is absolutely amazing. Here are a few pics I took along the way:

We started at the base of the canyon and hiked almost to the top…I would have made the entire hike buuuuuut had a little mis-happen along the way. Yep, dorky me twisted my knee stepping on a rock! Now, this was not your ordinary rock. Nope….this sucker sought me out, stalking me with its evil rock eyes, waiting for my next move to push me over the edge when it finally struck causing me to step on it. Once I did, my leg twisted causing me to lose balance, but I managed to lean my weight to the other side and catch my balance…sadly, when the rest of my body went to the right, my knee continued to go to the left…thus, a knee strain occurred. I’m glad I didn’t break any bones and certainly glad I did not fall down the side, that would have been ugly.
We did have a few visitors along the way-

Aparently this little beauty wanted to help heal my knee by landing on my foot while I was resting it-

Dinner was a little less hazardous. I wish I had pictures to share but we were having so much fun we forgot to snap a few! For those who are not familiar with The Melting Pot, it is a fondue style restaurant where YOU actually cook the food. I’ve seen another restaurant that puts the cooking method at your table but they put the food in it instead of you. Not at The Melting Pot (geesh, one would think I’m advertising for them). Here you choose your cooking method, the foods you want to cook, and YOU do the cooking…or should I say fonduing? There are several cheese fondues to choose from for the hors d’oevres and the chocolate fondues are to die for! OOOOOOH MAN!!!!!!!! I just ate dinner but I think I’m getting hungry again!!!! LOL!
So, this was how I spent my birthday weekend and had an absolute blast. Even though I came home with a minor injury, it was all worth it! Thank you, again, to everyone for the beautiful greetings ;-)
Love and hugs,
Great pictures!! It looks...dry. LOL
I'm so glad you had a nice birthday! Yay!! And I love LOVE The Melting Pot! We have 'em alllllllll the way over here, too! LOL
Have a great day mah friend :o) ♥♥
I'm glad you had a fun birthday and it's always nice to get away. The pictures are awesome and I can only imagine what the pics would have looked like from the Melting Pot :)
Glad you liked our version of your birthday song (I had NO idea that was coming out of his mouth!)
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Thank Ang...and, yes, it's dry! Dry like burnt toast dry. OOOh, you love the Melting Pot, too!!!!! I could eat there every day...I'd be broke and fat but at least I would be happy! LOL!!!!!! How to you put hearts in your comments???
Oooh, Debi...the pics would have been fabulous. For starters, Vik ad Craig have never been to the Melting Pot so it was like kids in a candy shop. Oh, yeah, and then there was the silly antics ;-) Hhmmm....should I sing Mark's version of Happy Birthday? LOL!!!!
Nice pics. As I sit here watching it start to snow!! Glad you had a good Birthday. I have been quiet lately, sorry. Been working on thoughts and reading so its been hard to write anything yet. So much new information that is has stopped up the pipes. More will come though!! I promise!
That's sounds like a (mostly) good birthday. Wait a minute! Did you say... CHOCOLATE FONDUE!!! Mmmmmmm! YUMMY! I just loooooove chocolate covered fruit! Oh man! I'm hungry now!
Wow, you know it's bad when my hubby and son make it over to your blog before I do, sheesh!!
Those pics are gorgeous and the butterfly, how cool is that. This area looks so much like where I used to go hiking in Cali! I love the stream running through the rocks. Were there any tadpoles in the water? Used to be where we went but you'd have to hit it at the right time usually Springtime so scratch that question. :D
Just happy you made it out alive to enjoy your dinner!! Darn rock!!
Oh, and I vote for hearing Mark's version of the song. :D
Duuuuuuude! Sorry I didn't get back to ya sooner. Hearts in a post: on my keyboard I hit Alt 3. But from what I've read it can be different for anybody, depending on your system. The way I found out how to do 'em was in the Etsy forums. I searched "little hearts" and "musical notes" and tons of crap came up. But they did explain what to do. I hope this helps darlin! ♥
PS. Blimey, I almost forgot...you can also cut and paste. Yup! I do that with the musical notes just cause its simpler. tee hee! ♥ ♥ ♥
Oh man, I'm jumpin' in on this one... The possibilities are nearly endless but here a few of the good ones....
Alt 1 = ☺
Alt 2 = ☻
Alt 3 = ♥
Alt 4 = ♦
Alt 5 = ♣
Alt 6 = ♠
Alt 11 = ♂
Alt 12 = ♀
Alt 13 = ♪
Alt 14 = ♫
Alt 15 = ☼
(Pays to have a hubby who's a whiz at research, hee hee)
Thank you for the extended birthday wishes!!!!! I'm a little behind on responding so I will go in order ;-)
D- The weather Is quite different here in AZ. In fact, while it is snowing at your house, it is 94 degrees at mine! ???? Why mus tit be so hot here? I'm glad to hear there will be more. Hhmmm...silence from D can only mean one thing..............................ONE HECK OF A POST!! Yipee!
Little Man- I am tickled pink that I have found a chocolate dipped fruit lover!! Oh man I will eat anything dipped in chocolate! ANYTHING!!! OK, maybe not anything but A LOT of things ;-)
Sharon- I DID see tadpoles!! We're bit backwards here in AZ. LOL!!! And you want to hear Mark's version of Happy Birthday, do ya? Well, I'll give you a hint....think of my birthday cake ;-) HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Angie/Sharon- Thank you ladies for the help with the hotkeys. Sadly, I cannot use them on them on my darn laptop (I tried...really I did). But I'm willing to bet it will work on my regular PC. Mwa HAHAHAHAHA. BWAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
wonderful pictures..so happy you had a great time..I will be back blogging soon..Miss you ..Much love..Rosebud..
Oh just fabulous!!! Please ignore the typo in my last comment!!!! DOH!!!!!
Oh, yippee for tadpoles!! They're so cute!! I really thought it'd be too hot for them but maybe they're used to that AZ heat.
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