Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My first day...

So, my first day at my new job did not go as well as I planned....I learned quickly that this department is in the trouble they are in due to lack of organization and competent employees! I kept my mouth shut for most of the day but felt compelled to put at least half of a shoe in my mouth! HAH!! I wasn't sure if I even wanted to go back but then I realized what they need is a REAL leader. I did not accept a management position, however, tomorrow I plan on going in to work and stating my piece and offering suggestions. If they accept my help, wonderful, if not, just the same. So, if I succeed, the office will go from this:

to this:'s all in a days work, right? LOL!!!!!


Angie Kelly Designs said...

Oh Laura...I'm sorry to hear that. But, there is NO doubt in my mind that you are the best person for the task. Management position or not... it sounds like they need serious help. I sincerely hope they listen to "experience" and make an effort to change for the better.

I'll be thinking of you today. Best of luck; you can do it! Hugs, ♥

Sweets 'N Greets said...

Thanks, Angie :-D I don't like to step on toes but, in this case, if this is going to be my place of business, than it had better be run like a place of business and not a daycare! LOL!!!!

Rosebud Collection said...

It is so funny..I had you on my mind all day, yesterday..Today, I wanted to see how you did..Oh my..That office is a little like my paint room..How did you like the job? Hope you enjoy it and I know you will get that place on their toes...

Anonymous said...

Wow Laura, I am certain that you are the right woman for the job at hand if only they're willing to listen. Seeing that it's a "daycare" environment I'm not sure they'll be open to the much needed improvements you'll offer but at least you can walk away knowing you tried. Good luck dear friend!

Josh said...

Poor Laura! She has to deal with incompetent idiots! And you know how she feels about them. Good luck Laura!

Hey Harriet said...

They'd be crazy not to accept your help! Looks like you have a big job ahead of you though! Eeeeeek! Good luck with the rescue mission :)