How many times have you heard or said this? I know I say it often! Miracles happen every day yet they are frequently missed…too many people are wearing blinders.

I wanted to share with you my little miracle, Happy. This picture was taken this morning…she was actually facing the wall before I snapped the picture. (pardon the quality of the pic…it was dark and I was using my cell phone camera) I’m sure most of you are thinking right about now, “So that cat is facing a wall…” What most of you do not know is that Happy has only one eye of which she is also blind. It amazes me that she walked up to the wall, never touching it, and knew to stop. What also amazes me is that this is an area we have never seen her rest at before, so I question why? Just behind her are the stairs…normally she comes down the stairs and makes a hard left, walking the same path every time. So, again, why did she go straight?
So what makes Happy such a miracle other than she is blind and has only one eye? She, along with her sister and brother, were found in a pallet of roofing tile when she was approximately 1 week old; the mother was nowhere to be found. The loader was about to pick up the pallet of tile with the fork lift when he had caught movement where the forks go and, being a snake lover, he thought it was a snake so backed up and lowered the forks. The three kittens were spared that day.
It was decided that the Humane Society would not be called and homes would be found for the trio…her sister and brother were snatched that very same day but Happy was left alone. Because of her handicap (having only one eye which was only 1/3 developed as it were), the crude and selfish bastards begun calling her names like “Uno” and “Cyclops”. I knew that she was not going to have the quality of life she deserved so I took her home. Instantly, my 100 pound Rottweiler wagged her little nub, sniffed her, and claimed her as a friend. Happy, so little and barely able to walk, looked up at me and that is when I thought of her name; she has a permanent smile on her face.
She was not always blind…she began to lose her sight when she was around 6 months old; it didn’t take long for her to become fully blind. Yet she walks around the house as if she see’s everything around her and Sierra, my oldest Rotti, still claims her. Every time I sit on my couch she quickly finds her spot on my lap and, when I am in my stamp studio, she curls up behind me on my chair. I wonder sometimes what would have happened if I did not take her home and it makes my heart hurt, but all I have to do is look at her and the pain goes away.
So, believe in miracles because they happen every day.

I wanted to share with you my little miracle, Happy. This picture was taken this morning…she was actually facing the wall before I snapped the picture. (pardon the quality of the pic…it was dark and I was using my cell phone camera) I’m sure most of you are thinking right about now, “So that cat is facing a wall…” What most of you do not know is that Happy has only one eye of which she is also blind. It amazes me that she walked up to the wall, never touching it, and knew to stop. What also amazes me is that this is an area we have never seen her rest at before, so I question why? Just behind her are the stairs…normally she comes down the stairs and makes a hard left, walking the same path every time. So, again, why did she go straight?
So what makes Happy such a miracle other than she is blind and has only one eye? She, along with her sister and brother, were found in a pallet of roofing tile when she was approximately 1 week old; the mother was nowhere to be found. The loader was about to pick up the pallet of tile with the fork lift when he had caught movement where the forks go and, being a snake lover, he thought it was a snake so backed up and lowered the forks. The three kittens were spared that day.
It was decided that the Humane Society would not be called and homes would be found for the trio…her sister and brother were snatched that very same day but Happy was left alone. Because of her handicap (having only one eye which was only 1/3 developed as it were), the crude and selfish bastards begun calling her names like “Uno” and “Cyclops”. I knew that she was not going to have the quality of life she deserved so I took her home. Instantly, my 100 pound Rottweiler wagged her little nub, sniffed her, and claimed her as a friend. Happy, so little and barely able to walk, looked up at me and that is when I thought of her name; she has a permanent smile on her face.
She was not always blind…she began to lose her sight when she was around 6 months old; it didn’t take long for her to become fully blind. Yet she walks around the house as if she see’s everything around her and Sierra, my oldest Rotti, still claims her. Every time I sit on my couch she quickly finds her spot on my lap and, when I am in my stamp studio, she curls up behind me on my chair. I wonder sometimes what would have happened if I did not take her home and it makes my heart hurt, but all I have to do is look at her and the pain goes away.
So, believe in miracles because they happen every day.

Oh happy is so beautiful and what a wonderful miracle she is! I know how it is to hold a special place in your heart for a feline friend, it's just magic. The powers that be saw too it that Happy found the perfect home where her happiness could be shared and returned 10 fold. ;-)
Hey, you may want to take a hike over to Catherine of LaPerle's blog, she's
included you in a post, well, your gorgeous cards that it. ;-)
here's the link:
Oh and PS. Joshie's been trying to "follow" your blog for ages but the little link above the follow doesn't work. I tested it myself.
Ok, I'll stop buggin' yah now. :D
That is the most precious face! I'm so glad you posted this. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. I'm thankful for people like you who have such big hearts and take in animals who need a loving home. ♥
What a cute little miracle! You know, I have a bunny that was blind in one eye when she was young. That's why we call Doppler, like the radar system. Amazingly, the area of blindness on her eye began to shrink until it disappeared completely! Looks like miracles do happen!
Hey there Josh and Sharon :-D So, I cliked on 'Follow this blog ' and it took me to the link. I'm not sure why Josh cannot link to it. Damein was succesful....could it be a parent lock??
As for Happy...she did find a good home here with us. I love to help those who cannot help themselves and that includes our furry four legged friends :-D
Mr. Josh...I did not know your bunny was blind in one eye. And, yes, that IS a miracle that the blindness shrank. Oh I love miracles ;-)
Hola, Angie...and thank you! It's sad that people give up on their pets and just leave them in the streets to fend for themselves. I think people should have to qualify to be a pet owner! LOL!
Oh that's such a beautiful story. I'm so glad you took Happy in & gave her all the love she deserves. Happy is a gorgeous looking kitty! Isn't it great how your dog loves her also? How cute! I think a lot of dogs are secretly fond of cats but don't want to come across as sissy or anything by making it obvious ;)
HAH!!! I think you are right, Harriet! Big sissy butts! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I'm starting school today! *Bum Bum Buuuuuumm* Just wanted to let you know!
Oh, this is such a beautiful post..I think she is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen..What a story..I am with you, Miracles do come in all shapes/sizes..Now, I consider you a miracle..see how we became such good blogging friends and can always feel your love though all your blogs..
Have a happy day and I send you much love...
I gave him your message from this morning's mail - honest! He must have had his ear phones on.. hmmm. :D
I posted on my blog. This is what everyones been waiting for! Suspense so agonizing! Aaaaaaaaaahh! *BOOM*
Happy is one of the sweetest and most loveable cats I've ever met. Plus she's so soft and cuddly wuddly!
Oh thank you Rosebud!!! You, too, are a beautiful miracle ;-) It's amazing how people become friends without meeting in person, first. Just goes to show that there are still some "true" souls out there!
Happy is so soft....and she wants her Auntie Debi! Wwaaaaaaaa!!!
What a wonderful thing you did for these kitties. I have two Whippets which I also rescued. One was severely abused.
I bet your little babies just love you to pieces ;-) All of my animals, with the exeption of our oldest dog, are all rescued. In a way, I like to think that Sierra was rescued since she was the runt of the litter and kept to herself.
:-) Here's to a wonderufl friendship!
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