I changed my hair color back to red! Oh, yah, and Debi really didn’t make me do it ;-) Just figured I could blame her if you didn't like it! AAH HA HA HA HA!! (*running away from Debi REALLY fast *) (pst..watch out for that dishwasher, Debi!!!)
So why did I do it? I was tired of the blond…tired of it drying my hair out no matter how much product I used to keep it moisturized and tired of dealing with the dreaded touch ups! UGH! The red is a little rich in color right now buuuuut it will fade; by next week I will be back to my ‘old’ red. I had a couple of pics to choose from but this one made me laugh so I just HAD to use it.
I had fun changing my hair color to blond but I guess it just wasn’t for me. And I will say that blonds DO NOT have more fun. It’s not the color of our hair, it’s the wonderful personalities and ambitions that allow us to have MORE fun! SO GO HAVE FUN! Do something bold, something new today and enjoy it :-)
PS...the bag over my face opens the opportunity for me to picth using cloth bags instead of paper or plastic. Please recycle! I know, sounds funny coming from a card maker, but rest assure I save and use my scraps and what cannot be used is recycled. We have only one earth, and she has given us a home, so let's take care of her.
O M G!!! Dead sexy!! LOL
I luv luv luv red hair. Done it a couple of times, the touch ups are...well, lets just say it: expensive. Especially for someone like me who has long hair. :/ Got to a point that I couldn't keep it up. But oh my, I love it. Gorgeous on you! Very nice choice! So...if Debi really DID make you do it, you should be GRATEFUL and thank her! MWHAHAAAAA
*running away from Laura* EEK!
Oh you'll always be a blond to me! LOL! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the hair!!! You're SOOOOOOO gorgeous it makes up for all the trouble you cause - I mean get into! ;-) Besides, it's the perfect Fall color!!! Now you match the trees here! hah!!
Love that shade of red! It really suits you! I wish I could have red hair...tried it once but it looked really silly. Phooey! So I'm very envious of you!
Aaawww, gee, thanks Ladies (*blushing profusely*). Wow, where do I start? Let's start with Angie-
My Dear- Thank you for the dead sexy comment! LOVE IT! "Do I make you horny, Baby?" LOL!! Yes, I am an Austin Powers fan :-0 And I guess, in a sense, I should be greatful and thank Debi IF she had made me do it. Thanks for being a GREAT friend and poiting it out the flaw in my joke :-)~ LOL!! I am only kidding! I love you!!!! Oh, and game on...I WILL find you!!! Bwa ha ha ha ha!
Sharon- Thank you Thank you!! Too kind :-) Yep...and you got it right on the nose that I do get into trouble. Huh...trouble just seems to find me! (*rapidly searching for the halo*). And I couldn't be more thrilled than to match the leaves on your trees ;-) This made me laugh for Cody made a "matching" comment earlier. I asked if he liked it and he said, "I don't know...you look like you don't have hair because it matches the blinds". LOL!!! Gotta love kids :-)
Harriet- Thank you for the compliments. I have found, over the years, that there are so many different reds and I had gone through the silly look, too. Ask my sister...she can tell you how many different reads I went through before I found this one. I felt like a cameleon! HAH!!
Ya know...this is why I love you all!!! We can talk smack and still love each other!! LOL!!!
Ugh! Sorry Laura, I meant to look at your post the other day and, well, what can I say except "United States" (hee hee hee)
I love your hair red and it does suit you much better than blonde, although you looked pretty hot as a blonde.
Tsssss - that's you Laura... steamin' up the place - HOT, HOT, HOT!!
LOL!!! Aaahhhh, yes, United States. Uh huh. Well, I guess it is a good thing I changed my hair color after sending the email the other day :-0
Thanks, Sharon, AGAIN! Wow...I'm feeling like a fajita :-) LOL!!
What a beautiful color and you look wonderful..I keep Lady Clairol in business with buying hair dye. This white haired lady will not quit. I will go down fighting white hair..
When I shop, I always forget my cloth bags..I even put them in the car. I start talking and forget all about them..I am ashamed of myself.
Oh, yes, Ms. Clariol. I like her...and she likes me! We have spent many days with our heads under the sink ;-)
Wow, Lady Clairol, she sure gets around... I've been with her too.. hmmm
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