How fabulous is this? It is not often that one makes me speechless yet, for the third time within one month, I have been left speechless! This can only mean one thing....I have some very wonderful friends and family :-)
I woke up this morning telling myself, "Today you will not start off with a huge cup of coffee." Of course, I mumbled some choice thoughts to myself and stomped upstiars (OK, maybe I didn't stomp but it really did set a great scene! However, the mumbling DID occur). Feeling a tid-bit huffy, I signed in to my blog and began to read some comments others had left about my sister, Rocki Balboa (LOL! Couldn't help that one!). I was requested to visit another site and, to my surprise, I had been given this awesome award from The Mum and The Rose! I was speechless. It takes a very special person to recognize someone else...The Mum and The Rose takes the award!!! Thank you so much for the recognition :-)
With this, I have been asked to pass it on. I may not know a ton of people on the blog sites just yet but, for the few I do know, you are absolutely awesome and deserve this award! Here they are, from the bottom of my heart:
These are the rules..
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog;
2. Link the person you received your award from;
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs;
4. Put links of those blogs on yours; and
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you’ve nominate
Thank you, agian, to The Mum and The Rose and to all my friends who love me! I love you back!!
Hugs and kisses,
Wow. Thanks Laura! HUGS!
This is the 2nd one I've received and I'm embarrassed to say, I've yet to post either on my blog. What is wrong with me? *sigh* Guess I better get goin w/that huh?
Have a wonderful day, friend!
Congrats Laura! I'm so happy you have entered the land of Blogging! It's fun meeting new people from around the globe without even leaving your home, isn't it?!
Hugs sis,
Rocki Balboa!
Congratulations on winning your blog award!
And a big "Thank you!" for passing it along to us :)
You are so darn cute..Happy you are happy..love your blog and hope others will enjoy it as much..Love Rockis too..
Ohhhhh! I see why you wanted me to look at it again Laura... you awarded me too! Thank you! I'll post it tomorrow as I'm swimming in orders... blub blub blub :)
I thought you already knew that! LOL!!!! I was just telling you to look at it again because, huhhhmm, I forgot to send the darn messages to everyone! OOPS!
To everyone who received this....YOU ALL deserve it very much. I love reading your posts and enjoy seeing and hearing what you have created. I am thankful for meeting every one of you!
Oh you see! That's what I get for not leaving a comment on your earlier blog posting about your "knock-out" sister, I miss all the excitement unfolding! But alas, you have bestowed me non the less... thank you sweet friend!! You're awesome!! And congrats!!
A great big congrats on your blog award. Very well deserved :)
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