THIS can happen to you if you are not careful!! All I did was ask for a simple, yummy recipe and my FRIEND, who will remain nameless (it was Sharon), gave me a simple, WAAAAY yummy recipe!! We couldn’t stop eating! Even my son, the pickiest eater alive, could not stop eating! Look at me…look at my belly (the water splashed on my belly is supposed to be spilled food…so go with it)!! I look like I have a pillow stuffed in my shirt (at least it’s my favorite throw pillow)!!
I could blog about anything I want but, today, I wanted to send a BIG thank you to the one who shall remain nameless (Sharon) for the awesome recipe. I am not kidding when I say my son Cody literally licked the dish clean!! Debi can vouch for me on how picky he is…so a licked clean dish is a 5 star meal award ;-)
Here is to a fabulous, outstanding meal!! THANK YOU!!!!

Ahhhhhhh! My eyes! My eyes!!! hee hee
DUDE.....You're such a nut! And I really want that recipe now. What the heck was it? Dang Sharon. You really are Wonder Woman. *go ahead, spin around and transform into your outfit* Whoot!
UH OH Sharon...she figured you out!! Just PLEASE do not tell her that I am the Bionic Woman ;-) jing-jing-jing-jing (sound of when she uses her bionics!) LOL!
You TOTALLY brought back some awesome memories from old shows. Do you remember Aqua Man?? HAH!! Or how about the Wonder Twins Powers ACTIVATE...in the form of an Etsy Shop Owner! HAHAHA!
Hah!! OMG! I'm totally loosing it - you are such a riot!!! Ok so yeah, it's a great recipe and the fact that it's passed down from an Italian great-grandmother who would never share the recipe unless it was written down behind her back is even better but to win the kudos from you're little one... WOW!! That's the best!! (I've had my share of picky eaters in the house!)
Oh and thanks SO much for not mentioning my name, I have no idea how Angie ever figured it out - must be psychic! :)
Oh, and YEAH!! Aqua Man rocked!!!
OK, I just laughed out LOUD at work. My co-workers are lookin at me like, "has she finally lost her ever-lovin mind"??? LMAO!
Wonder Twins LOL!! That was one of my favorites!! Along with the bionic woman of course. I can run as fast as her by the way...Maybe I'll come see ya real quick! LOL!
Oh, ah...a good belly laugh at 8:30 in the a.m. does the body good. I swear. Ya'll just make my days. truly!!
HUGS! Oh, and Sharon...how did you know I was psychic? Are you psychic? LOL!
♥ y'all!
I didn't see the recipe..What the heck did you eat? I am starving just reading about it..Hey, when the little one licks the plate clean, it has to be good..My kids were picky eaters too. Love the picture of you and the pillow..cute..
LOL! Too funny Laura! Okay, now how did I not hear about this recipe? Laura is it something I can eat or do I have to revamp it? (allergic to wheat & dairy for those who wonder why I ask this)
WHAT?! Cody licked the plate? He actually ate what you guys ate? THUD!
Sharon- You're welcome for not mentioning your name. I am amazed how Angie figured it out. Huh!?!? I think she is psychic. Let's see if she figures out what type of dish it is..(look at the next paragraph but don't tell her!)
Rosebud- It is a pasta dish. So simple yet so darn yummy!!! I'm glad you like my pillow :-) The sad thing about it...when I asked my husband to take the picture he didn't even think twice about it! Maybe Angie is right....I'M NUTS!! If that's the case, I prefer to be a hazelnut ;-)
Debi- It has Ricotta cheese in it :-( BUT, maybe there is a soy ricotta?? And, YAH! Cody everything and...make sure you are sitting down when you read this next part...he even had a second bowl! Debi?? Are you there?? GREAT! I bet she tripped over her dishwasher again :-O
Angie- There is nothing better than laughter in a work place! I was actually given an award from my former employer for having the "Happiest Department". So go ahead and laugh...it's healthy for us!! OH, and since you are so psychic, what type of dish is it?? ;-)
Ha ha ha ha ha about the dishwasher comment. Okay, I HAVE to find that copy and blog about it next week - it is one of your better artworks ;)
(go peak at my blog... runs and hides)
MWHAHAAA! I have figured it out. Its PASTA! MWHAHA! I really am psychic. YES!
And hey miss thang, if its so dern wonderful, why can't you share? I'm so jealous now. I luv pasta and pasta loves my thighs. Why oh WHY for the love of all things holy?!? *SIGH*
If you think it, I can pick it up, being psychic and all...
Haha!!! OMG!! I think I'm just going to stay camped out on this blog, there's too much fun going on around here to miss a second of it! Oh but wait... then I can't post the recipe on my blog.... (ahhh! *trampled by stampede*)
OH Boy! I think you ARE being tramped by a stamede!!
Angie...how DO you do it? Gosh, one would think you were given hints or something?? You amaze me :-)
I can't believe I don't have the picture of you biffing it over the dishwasher!! Huh. Guess I will have to draw another one! BWA HA HA HA!!
Hey girls! I need help over on my blog pleeeeeeese!
You funny nut!!! That's so not fair of you to be raving about such an amazing recipe & then not sharing it with us! That's a little evil! You evil piggy pillow belly...person ;D
HAHAHA!! I love that Harriet!! Piggy Pillow Bell! HAH!! Well, I will tell you a secret...Sharon (ManaMoon) has posted a blog with the recipe. Whatcha waitin' for? Go get it!! :-)
Oh cool! Ta! Headin' over to ManaMoon now for the recipe. Gosh I sure hope it doesn't contain brussel sprouts...brussel sprouts are in no way, shape, or form yummy. Ate one earlier today by mistake. I was tricked. Ugh!
No brussel sprouts. Phew!
Does sound delicious...especially the vodka part :D
Hmmm, I don't see a morning blog. Did you go and eat more Rigatoni!? :)
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