I named this one ‘Autumn Leaves’, it is a Thanksgiving dinner invitation. I had created something similar a few years back for my family and thought this would be a great item to sell on Etsy. The leaves are actually two separate pieces held together with an eyelet; the eyelet allows the leaves to swivel. I first printed the information onto the card stock then stamped the leaves onto the paper with a Versa Mark ink. After I stamped the leaves, I heat dried a clear embossing powder onto them to give a shiny texture. A chestnut and a sheer ribbon finished it off! The most time consuming portion of this was cutting the leaves out by hand…but it is well worth it.
My mind is wondering on winter holiday invitations but I cannot go there just yet. I have holiday greeting card sets I must complete and list first!!
Well, that’s if for now…have a wonderful day!
Lovely Laura! Hey...that could go both ways. Hee hee!
Thats beautiful, really. If I had a Thanksgiving dinner to invite folks to, I would totally buy it. lol I'm looking forward to more holiday greeting cards!! yay!
♥ Ang
I remember these Laura! I LEAF, I mean LOVE them! Even though they look gorgeous here, they are even BETTER in person!
You are such a talented sister :)
Thank you, Angie!! My sister can back me up, I am a freak about invitations (she is too, but don't tell her I told you)! LOL!! We LOVE doing invites and, believe it or not, sometimes they are even funny :-0
Your opinion honestly means so much to me...it is greatly appreciated.
Ahh..gee...thank you, Debi!! I almost stained the leaves like I did with the originals buuuuuuuut those were made for us and I wanted to keep it that way :-) Plus, I'm done staining for a while until some awesome Etsy shop owner needs more cards ;-) Until then, my carpet can use a rest! HA!
So I told Angie what a freak I am about doing invites but I didn't tell her about you and how nutty you are with them. Nope. No way. Uh-uh. That will be kept a secret! LOL!!!
Love ya, Sis!!
They are lovely..what a clever idea..
Lots of luck and I am sure you will do really well..
Hey YOU. :P
You should totally put an Etsy Mini on your blog! Or not... LOL!
Oh these are just GORGEOUS!! And so much time and care went into their creation!! Oh and feel free to send one of those invites to me (plane ticket included of course!) ;-)
Drum roll, please! Thank you...
-Rosebud for your kind thoughts!!
-Angie for telling me how to run my blog!! LOL!! The mini has been added ;-)
- Sharon for breaking my bank...the tickets are in the mail! And, of course, for your kind words :-)
Thank you again, Ladies. I truly appreciate our friendships!
Oh goodie, goodie, goodie!!! So when do I leave??? ;-)
Alright Arizona...I sincerely hope you didn't take offense ♥ I would really feel horrible. This is YOUR blog---you're completely right. I'm shutting up now. LOL!
HECK NO I didn't take offense! LOL a million times!!! It takes WAY more than that to offend me. That was my sarcastic way of saying "Thank you for helping me with my blog". Pft...I'm still new to this blog thing and figuring new stuff out every day!
Whew! After sweating profusely and worrying that I've alienated you...OK, just kidding. Thats sounds really extreme, huh? LOL
You're doing great tho...on your blog. It IS one of my favorites. :P
Laura's blog is one of my favorite places to visit also. Especially after my blog seems to have run amuck today ;)
Oh I like your new Etsy mini, very cool! (*runs to Laura's room to hide from Rocki*)
Oh gosh, I'm just going to 'leave' this alone. You all can run, but you can't hide!
Oh and Laura, are refering to me being nuts with that comment? ;)
NO!! Nuts with invitations!! Remember the Christmas invites I sent out last year? Yup, smarty pants Laura mispelled our maiden name!! But what made it so priceless was NOBODY caught it except our uncle! LOL!!!
Oh, by the way...we all hid in YOUR room because we knew you would be looking for us in mine ;-)
They're really beautiful! I love the intricate edges! Very sweet :)
Thank you Harriet! A few of my stamping friends are constantly pushing me to purchase a machine that does cuts...all you do is type in what you want. It's a fabulous idea, however I feel the cards begin to lose that HANDMADE touch. But that's just my thought ;-)
Just want you to know..I am visiting all the time..
You are an absolute charm, Rosebud ;-) Thank you!
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