Soooo, the REAL reason for this post (no, it has nothing to do with porn in the kitchen!! PPfff...dirty minds!!), I'm just checking in with my dear friends to say "HELLO" and that I finished my large order of cookies and am continuing to receive more orders. I am absolutely thrilled and I feel like a lottery winner every time I log in to find I have had another sale. I'm sure you all can relate ;-)
I would also like to update you on our mission with our son Cody. We finally had our appointment at the Melmed Center in Scottsdale to determine if Cody has Asperger's Syndrome. According to the doctor, the two main behaviors that would classify AS are very mild in Cody, therefore he is confident that he does not have it. However, he did tell us that Cody is mildy autistic. I guess we could be upset but why? We have a diagnosis and we do not have to keep wondering anymore.
Well, time to get back into the kitchen and make more goodies to send out! Have a wonderful day :-D
First thought...
Hey, that's not Laura! Where are the photos of you covered in flour from head to toe?? Common Paul, help us out here. '-) (oooh,new wink) :D
Oh and I'll ignore your dirty little mind, sheesh! Gotta get outta the kitchen more!
It's wonderful news about Cody Laura and I'm so thankful you're all in great hands now with a doctor that will guide you and assist Cody in being the wonderful man he's growing into. Mental hugs to you all♥
Thank you Sharon! Well, if it will make you feel better than I will have to dive inot my flour jar and take a pic just for you! HAHAHA!!! wouldn't THAT be a sight?? And thank you for the mental hugs ;-) Cody WILL grow up to be a fine young man and.
Big hugs,
I can't tell you how thrilled I am that your shop is taking off so well! Whoot! Go you! And btw, you can't be posting porn related things here ~ there are fragile little minds nearby. Mwhwhaahaha! J/K!
And I'm so happy about Cody ~ bless his little heart, and yours and Paul's as well. I know its comforting to at least *know* now. Blessings on you ALL!
Can't wait to get my goodies! Can't wait for you to get yours ! BAH!
Much love & many hugs! ♥
I think it's wonderful that when you go into something you see the bright side. And even if you didn't, have a cookie!
Yeah, get back in the kitchen! And get your mind outta the gutter!
Just joking by the way! I love your crazy sense of humour!
The news about Cody I think is good as you'll need not to worry with wondering any longer. Cody will be fine. You'll see! :)
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