First, I must share this GROOVY picture of my family and I. My sister thought of a fabulous idea and we all just went with it. This year, our family spent Christmas in the 60's. Nooo, not 60 degrees, 1960's! We had an absolute blast. So, from our family to yours- Groovy Christmas, Baby!
A very dear friend, Angie of Angie Kelly Designs, sent me a FABULOUS surprise. Here she
worked me up that I would be receiving a gift, taunting me and teasing me (OK, so I did the same to a few people ;-D ), and wouldn't you know I DID receive a package from her. As I gently opened the box (tore it apart!!) there was the cutest, most darling, special little guy I have ever seen!! Written across his tummy is my favorite word that I use OOOOOHHH so often, "DUDE!" Yes. I say dude! I say it a lot!! I love the word. I love saying it. I'm sure some of you may be a little surprised but, hey, I can't tell you everything on the first date ;-) HAHAHA!! This little "dude" has found his new home right next to me so every morning I roll over to turn off my alarm, there he is reminding me, "Dude. You don't have a 9-5 job. Turn off the alarm and go back to sleep!" :-D I love this DUDE!

Another wonderful friend sent me a very special ornament. An ornament she painted herself. My dear friend of The Mum and The Rose made this gorgeous ornament. I was stunned by the art work and just the thought that she had thought of me. The colors she chose blew me away! My tree is decorated with tons of blue, silver and snowflakes and here was this darling angel in green and blue painted on a snowflake. I was shocked! It was as if she just knew. I put her on the tree towards the top, right in the front, for all of my friends and family to see. She is beautiful, much like the wonderful artist who made her :-)
And then came another great surprise...my very special friend Sharon of Mana Moon Studios sent me a gift that brought tears to my eyes. I opened the package and there it was...an apron! But not your ordinary apron. This apron is handmade by Sharon and it was made just for me. On
the apron is my shop name along with the fancy design she had created for my avatar and business cards! It seemed like forever had passed when the tears finally slowed down enough for me to see two feet in front of me! Paul and Cody were home when I opened this gift and both were silent because, they too, had their breath taken away. I felt compelled to wear it right away so I put it on and pranced around the house like I was some hot-to-trot pastry chef :-D I love my apron and I AM a hot-to-trot pastry chef when I have it on ;-D

Sharon also surprised me today with a wonderful award...the Christmas Spirit Award! The giving just keeps on going even though Christmas has passed. I like this award :-D So, with this award, I am to share five reasons why I like Christmas and then pass it on to others.
So here I go:
1. Friends and Family- though I try to spend as much time with my friends and family as possible, Christmas time allows us to spend that much more time together. Even if it is just an extra hour for a day, it is time well spent.
2. Giving back- Whether it is to my friends, family, or a stranger, I love to give! I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around AND to treat others as you wish to be treated. I try to live my life this way every day and, given the wonderful people in my life, it is working :-D
3. Decorations- I love how others join in the spirit with decorations and lights. Every year we spend an evening driving around looking at the wonderful Christmas decorations as well as the Menorahs in the windows of those celebrating Hanukkah. It is very festive and peaceful.
4. Cards- I love receiving cards as much as I love to give them (OK, and made them :-D)! They are always so beautiful and there is always on special letter inside.
5. Music- Oooh how I love holiday music! My favorite, 'O Holy Night' sung by Luciano Pavarotti. I can listen to this song over and over again and never get bored of it. It is so beautiful, so graceful, and so meaningful.
Now the best part, I get to forward this on to others. I know some of you don't like to hand out awards, and I am totally OK with it, you still deserve an award ;-) And the winners are:
Rocki's Supplies
Angie Kelly Designs
Hey Harriett
The Mum and The Rose
Heart of A Cowgirl
Pup Love
AAAHHHHHH! And the crowd goes wild ;-)
Enjoy the rest of this year and, those who received the award, you all deserved it! I will end this mile long post now ;-)
Oh Laura, what a fabulous posting!! I just loved the photo of you and your family (umm, Paul? Where are your beads??)!
Your gifts were perfect and so deserved. LOVE the "little Dude", he's Sooooo cute!! Your apron made me cry as I was making it and I'm glad it brought you so much joy! YES, you are one hot pastry chef mama! Hah, I like the sound of that. ;-)
I'm just so happy you had a wonderful holiday, it's so deserved and here's to a fabulous New Year ahead! Cheers!!
Laura, thank you for the award. I don't know how to give them. Can you tell me how.
AHAHAHAAAAA...ehhhh...ah...Laura ~ You are so dang funny! LOL!!! OMG. That pic of all of you is so fantastic! I love it!! What a wonderful idea to have a themed Christmas with costumes and everything!!! Brazilliant!
I was so happy to see Little Dude! He's a good little guy, huh? LOL
That ornament! WOOOOWWW!!! That IS perfect for your tree! Its beautifully done!!
OK, that apron is COMPLETELY scrumptious - heh no pun intended - :-) I can't believe she did that! NO WAIT! I can believe it! Just like her to think of that and do it for you. We are all so lucky to know Mrs. "Share-on" Its my new name for her! LOL Its absolutely beautiful!
And I'm SO glad you had such a wonderful holiday! {Now get back your prancing, hot-to-trot BUTT back in the kitchen} LMAO!! I jest ♥
HUGE HUGS!!! ♥ ♥
Hey, I like my new name *giggle*. You guys are the BEST and I'M the lucky one!!♥♥♥
PS. Um... I'm gaining weight Laura... yeah, it's those darn cookies. :D WoooHoo!
Aaawwweee...geeee...thanks ladies :-D
Ang- I love the Share-on! OH it just fits ;-) And of course "Little Dude" will be on my post! He's...well....Little Dude! So glad you have a wonderful holiday :-) How did the necklace go over?
And Mrs. Share-on *heeheehee* (OH I JUST LOVE IT!!) I happy you had a great holiday as well :-) It seems like this year was even more special because of my new friends! And, uuumm, if you start to lose weight again, just hollar ;-) HAHAHAHA!
Elayne- left a comment on your most recent post on how to give the award :-D
Thanks for the award! So sweet of you. :)
Okay, I'm a bit slow today and not too talkative (sickie phoo!) so I'm sorry about that :( Wow, does our family look like fun or what? Okay, don't answer that.
Great gifts (ha ha, I knew about he apron!)
Thanks for passing on the award :)
p.s. I'm ALWAYS in the 60's
THank you my dear friend..I have been sloppy with the blogging..But hope to get back in the swing of things..Kids were coming and going and nothing makes us happier, but can't get to blogging..Have a wonderful New Year..
Sending you love and best wishes..
Wow! You scored well! What a lovely & thoughtful collection of gifts. It shows you are very loved!
Congrats on the Christmas Spirit award! I had to laugh when I read that you've passed it on to me! I have to confess that I'm actually not a very Christmassy person at all. I didn't even end up putting a tree up! I'm hopeless when it comes to all things Christmas. But thanks for thinking of me! :D
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