Hello? Has anyone seen me?? Anyone at all?? AAAHHH, here I am!
Gosh, I thought I was lost in a pile a flour for a moment. Whew!
I am happy to report that my shop opened on schedule this past Sunday and I had received 5 sales within the first two days. YESSSSS!!!!! I am also currently working with a potential customer to send a some of my baked goods as gifts to her clients throughout the Midwest. As I told a couple of people already, if she doesn't go with my quote I am OK with it....at least I know my shop was attractive enough to bring her in to think of me :-)
I will be busy today with baking more items to post on Etsy. Today's focus will me on breads and thumbprint cookies. With this said, I need to send out a VERY special THANK YOU to my husband, Mr. Paul Crosby. TWO years ago we replaced every appliance in our kitchen (even the darn blender) and my eye spotted a very beautiful item....a stove with a double oven. I explained to Paul that we needed this oven (yes, I actually said need) and he agreed! So, THANK YOU HONEY for buying the oven that is now being consumed with ooey, gooey, yummy goodness ;-) I love you!!
It is time for me to put my apron on and get busy. Have a beautiful day my friends and thank you all again for you wonderful support :-)
Yay!!!!!!! Go Paul!! Work it!! lol!! So glad to see you back darling friend. I'm excited about the breads. I luv me some banana bread. Mmmmm...{WATER! Somebody get me some dang water!!!!!} Have a wonderful day baking my friend. I wish I was right there with ya!! Much luv, A :o)
Congrats, sounds like the shop is off to a great start!!
And many more sales to come! Good for you! Thanks again for the samples, which I am sharing with co-workers today and pointing them to your Etsy shop. Absolutely delicious cookies! I had to bring them to the office or I would have eaten them all.... :)
Hey, I have a thumb could you borrow for some of those prints AND I work cheap!! Yep, I accept payment in cookies. ;-)
A big congrats to you and the shop Laura it's SOOOO deserving and woohoo to Paul and that fabulous double oven that will soon pay for itself. ;-)
Wow! Sales within less than a week of opening is fantastic! I knew it would take off! I'm wondering how you're going to cope with the demand? It will not be long before you're employing some kitchen-hands to assist you!
Again, congrats on the shop. All of the treats do look so good! Happy bread baking! :)
I was just about to go to your shop, but I wanted to tell everyone that there's a biiiiig surprise at my blog! Not a peep from me!
You are off and running..Good for you..Everything sounds wonderful..
Much love and luck to this great adventure..I know it will really do well..
Thanks everyone!!! Oh I feel like a turd that I have not been able to keep up on the comments. I really have been busy ;-) But I am never to busy to not reply!! Love you all so very much :-)
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