I have to say that I truly do have some wonderful friends. Though I may have never physically met you, my life has been lifted even higher by our loving friendship.
Once upon a time I was one who wondered, “How can you become friends with someone you never really met in person?” I take the meaning of ‘friends’ seriously and thought it was not possible to have online friendships. I was VERY wrong. I feel the human touch from the kind words and love that is poured from my wonderful friends and I am thankful that my sister, Rocki, introduced me to this wonderful website. I have met some really great people that I know will forever hold a piece of my heart. So thank you for accepting me for who I am and creating a life long friendship.
Here is a great example of what I am talking about- I was awarded two blog awards yesterday. TWO! I am tickled pink and honored to accept them. Sharon of Mana Moon honored me with the beautiful Butterfly Award and Angie of Angie Kelly Designs awarded me with the Marie Antoinette award. Thank you Sharon and Angie for the fabulous gift and I will proudly share the awards ;-)
Now, I do not have a huge list of friends so I won’t be able to give these awards to ten people but I can give them to people who truly deserve them.

For the Butterfly Award, I bestow onto you:
Heart of a Cowgirl
Angie Kelly Designs
Pup Love
Scribbles of an Ancient Soul
Here are the rules:
1. Post a copy on your blog
2. Mention who gave you the award
3. Pass the award on to 10 others
4. Leave a message on their blog letting them know the honor has been bestowed upon them.
For the Marie Antoinette Award, I bestow onto you:
Hey Harriet
Phoenix Commentaries
Rocki’s Rock ‘N Beads/Supplies
The Mum and The Rose
Here are the rules:
1. Add the logo/badge to your blog
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate 7 or more blogs
4. Leave a message on their blog letting them know the honor has been bestowed upon them.
Thank you again for these fabulous awards. To my wonderful friends of whom I have bestowed them upon, do not feel you must forward these on but just know I sent them to you because I care about you.
Have a fabulous day :-D
Thank you for the Marie Antoinette Award. I don't post a lot but when I do I like to have it mean something. And I like when other people see something in it for them to. I will put together a post with your gracious award shortly.
Thank you again
Thank you so much my dear friend..Just to think of me..I can't thank you enough..
Much love to you..Rosebud..
Awe gee Laura, thanks so much! I'll post the award this week as I need to get into the studio (and cover up the couch so you can't jump on it! ;)
Whew! Thanks for giving me an "out" LOL!! Thank you for the lovely award sweetness. I must say, I really wanted that Butterfly!! Mwhahaaaaa I shall post it on my blog, but probably won't pass it along - like you...I don't know that many people. I'm a hot mess. :o) LOL HUGS LAURA LEE ♥♥
Oh you did a wonderful job my dear sweet friend!! And I love that you gave my hubby this honorable French award - I'm sure he's speechless (right hon??)
You're an absolute treasure my dear friend and I agree with you completely. I never would have imagined making friends online and now I can't imagine a day without them. The smiles, sorrows, and joys we all share are just too priceless for words. love & hugs always♥
Thanks a bunch! Darn nice of you! Have a great day. :)
Congrats on your award. I also read your "troops post," great job.
Congrats on your two awards! Thanks heaps for passing one along to me. How sweet! You know, this time last year I would never have thought making friends online was a reality. I was wrong. I've made some lovely friends. You being one of them :) xo
To all my award winners...You are very welcome! It is my pleasure to call you my friend ;-)
Thank you, Sharon. You are a truly wonderful friend. I'm glad we found each other :-)
Thank you, Black Feather Farm, for the congrats and your thoughts on my "troops" posting. Oh boy, they just do not get enough credit. It is good to see other giant hearts feel the same way I do :-D
Uh, Debi (I mean, Rocki), I should be over around 11:30 today...BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA! Let the jumping begin!!!
Thanks for the award Laura! I will treasure it always. *sniffle* By the way, has anyone visited my blog lately? I just posted!
Editor's Note: Wait, did I get the girly one?! Oh well, an award is an award!
Hey, I realized I never congratulated you on your awards..You are such a lovely person..I give you the "thumbs up" award..How do you like that one?
ha, ha..
I will have to go check out your blog now, Josh. I did see your awesome story about your life long travels ;-)
Thanks Rosebud! I accept your award proudly :-) heehee.
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