Yesterday I left a comment on a blog in which may have offended others. My outburst may have been a bit bold for some to handle. I thought it might be noble of me to apologize but then why should I have to? I was speaking my mind (which you all know I do quite well) and, as an American, I have every right to express my thoughts as do you....but NONE of us have the right to decide on one's sexuality or their marital status. I will, however, apologize for some of the bold words I used, such as A-hole.
When I wrote my comment yesterday, I wrote it in tears and major frustration; my heart has been broken by a ridiculous proposition that passed by popular vote. I prefer to say it passed by discrimination....but I do not want to get started on this topic again.
So, if I have offended you with the bold words I used, I am very sorry.
I honestly think this posting was unnecessary (except for the part where we got to read a posting from you - missed you!♥), you're feelings are quite valid and the emotion you feel behind your words is more than justified in my opinion!
I'll never understand this mentality that causes people to think they can decide what's best for others and your concept of hippocracy was RIGHT ON!! I wont' get either of us started again but suffice to say I share you feelings Laura and admire your ability to speak you mind!
Thank you, Sharon :-) Sometimes I feel that I can go overboard on words I because of something that has upset me so much. This was one of the "time"...but I'm working on using more constructive and less criticizing words ;-)
I have been kind of absent from blog land lately but I FINALLY got my work and life schedule into a workable sequence. Whew! It has definitely been a tough 4 weeks but I've made it through :-D
Now I'm super curious and want to read the comment you left! I totally agree with you about nobody should have the right to judge people based on their sexuality or marital status! Sadly there are still many ignorant fools in this world that refuse to accept people as they are. Those fools make me angry like you wouldn't believe! Good on you for saying what you did. Whatever IT was! ;)
Hello Harriet!! And thank you :-D I find people interesting...even those who are not like me. I think that is why I have such a difficult time with others who feel they are above all others. We bleed just like them ;-)
You know Laura, I have found, in my old age..people do not think the same as I do. My parents thought I was a walking "time bomb"..so don't be hard on yourself. The older I got, the more I realized, this is life..Don't know what you said..but I know it was said without malice..just your heartfelt feelings..So my dear friend, I wouldn't worry about it..you know I love you...
You are allowed your opinions, And they could never be as offensive as people pushing there morals or beliefs on others as was done there. If people that support these lousy referendums are offended by our words, GOOD!!!!
Thank you all for your sweet support. I really did feel I should apologize for the "curse" word(s) I used on someone else’s blog. I think THAT is what had me more upset than anything...well, maybe the hypocrites pissed me off more than anything...but I should have kept my mouth clean ;-) I'm working on it! HAHAAHAHA! Thank you again for being so understanding :-D
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