I'm here! I'm here!!! Don't you see me? I'm being suffocated by in this crowd of people! aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! ;-)
Hello everyone! Oh I am so sorry I have been absent lately. I went to the grocery store and someone spotted me and said, "Hey! Isn't that Laura Crosby?" and next thing you know I was signing autographs for the next 3 days! Oh, wait. That was my dream....LOL!! OK, so the REAL reason is I have had a very busy schedule PLUS my Internet was down a day and a half (pooh for all of it). I wanted to write a quick hello to let everyone know I am still alive and kicking and have not forgotten about you ;-)
Since this is my hubby's birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL!....I won't be back on the blogs until tomorrow. We are going out to a wonderful place for dinner with family and friends. He won't have any present to open from me since we picked it up yesterday. I set up a secret squirrel meeting with our car guy to have some stuff (seriously, don't make me talk mechanic because I'll screw it up) done to his Mustang. He was quite surprised and he is very happy with it. Yeah!
Ok, off to get ready for work. I will be back tomorrow in full swing.....smart ass comments and all! Everyone have a WONDERFUL Friday!
Love and hugs,
Yay!!!!!!! I look forward to your return my dear friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL!!!!
Have a great time at dinner tonight; I know YOU will...*hiccup* LOLOL!!
Have a wonderful day my DUDE!!
Oh, Oh, I see you!! There you are!! Oh no, wait, that's not you... oh well!
Happy Birthday to Paul!! Have a scrumptious meal tonight!
CRAP! Paul's birthday! I have GOT to start writing everyone's birthday on the calendar again because OBVIOUSLY I completely forgot!!! Ugh!
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