To all of the men and women who protect this country and our freedom, I thank you with every beat of my heart.
Thank you for being our eyes and ears while we sleep and our hands to feed the hungry when we are unable.
Thank you for protecting our skies so we may once again feel safe to fly with our families.
Thank you for raising toys for the less fortunate so they, too, can have a gift to open Christmas morning.
I know war is a touchy subject and not many want to write about it on their blog...I don't want to share my feelings about war but I do want to share my feelings for our military men and women. Too often people take advantage of their freedom, never thanking those who have sacrificed their lives so they can go to their favorite trendy coffee shops or hang out at the fancy dance clubs...never giving it a thought that, without our troops, their freedom could be stripped away in a heartbeat.
November 27th, 1990, I married a United States Marine *OO-RAH*. Three days later he left (orders...compliments of the Corp) to Desert Storm. I am proud to be a Marine's wife (once a Marine, always a Marine) and I am thankful for my husband and all the other men and women for their efforts to protect us.
Our troop have now and have always deserved our praise. They serve without question. They protect our freedom, which isn't free! I am forever grateful to all our troop, those who have served and those who are serving.
They definitely deserve a hell of a lot more than what they get yet a simple "Thank you" means the world to them. Thank you for your support :-)
At first I thought you were late to Veterans day, but that was a beautiful post. And you know what, soldiers should be honored every day. There shouldn't just be one day that we congratulate them. Do they protect our country one day a year? No! They keep us safe and secure every day! They work harder than anyone else... They put there lives on the line so that we keep our freedom EVERY DAY! And what do we give them; I little day where we can tell them "Good Job"... And then we get on with our "important and meaningful" lives! Few lives are more important than a soldiers... they keep us ALIVE!!!
Thanks Little Man! You are absolutely correct and they do deserve more than one day a year...they deserve every moment ;-)
Amen to that..I am with you all the way..Our country would be nothing if it wasn't for our wonderful men/woman in the services..God Bless America..
Oh Laura this is beautiful and I share your feelings with every heartbeat! Thank you to Paul and his comrades and to my oldest son for having the courage to join during a time of war♥
A beautiful post! I join you in saying thanks to those brave souls. It takes a special kind of person to do what they do. They never seem to get the recognition they so deserve.
Trying to get to everyone before Thanksgiving..Have a wonderful holiday..Much love and blessings to all of you..
They have my heart, and a salute, always.
Amen sister! My hubby is a retired GySgt and served in both Desert Storm and was there for the start of the war in Iraq. He served 21+ years. OOH RAH!
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