Oh my, I'm a winner! Thank you, Rocki, for thinking of me :-)
I was quite shocked when I read Rocki's blog to find she had nominated ME for a brillante weblog award; I'm so new to blogging! I kindly accept the award and will definitely share with others.
I have met some very talented people since I opened my Etsy shop and all of them have been nominated for this fabulous award. It made me realize there are so many other great individulas out there that I haven't had the chance to really get to know. I have chatted short words with them as I reply to someone else's blog, but never really got to know them. So...today I will send this award to some very special people whom I may have only crosses paths with a time or two but deserve this award.
* Grizzly Mountain Arts- I'm Rocki's crazy sister! And you are obviously a dear from of Rocki's!
* A Bond and a Torch- Absolutely fabulous! It is obviousl you love life!
* Enterprise Solutions- BRAND NEW BLOG! Still in construction but it's my hubby so he deserves the award for putting up with me ;-)
This may not be 7 people, but it's a start!
For the nominees here are the rules:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
Thank you so much, Laura!
Thanks so much, Laura! We really appreciate it :)
Awe... you deserve it!
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