Whew! I survived the hair salon....and braces! Yes, I said braces. I didn't want Debi to feel alone in this world with bits of steel glued to her teeth so I decided to get braces for myself. OK, so maybe it was a strip of tin-foil twisted up, it still did a great job serving as braces!
As you can see in the picture of the wonder twins (Debi's older!), the blond worked out and I did not end up with purple hair. I did ask to have some of my auburn weaved in so my head didn't look like the darn sun! My hair was just a wee bit too light ;-) But I am happy with it now. This is the first time I actually left the salon and really, REALLY liked the color. I had told myself that if it did not turn out they way I wanted this time then I will go back to my medium auburn. It came out great so I guess it was meant to be!
Well, my friends, I am off to save the world, one greeting card at a time! Have a wonderful week :-)
Very nice Laura, you know how much I LOVE your hair, but I sure wish YOUR braces showed up as good as mine did!
Love ya sis
p.s. You do know that our blonde roots run pretty deep, don't you?
Yes, I know YOUR braces showed up much nicer than mine!! That's not fair! You ALWAYS get what you want!!!!! I'm telling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Your braces also showed up more attractive than mine!
Oh my gosh you're such a card!! Hey that's funny.. since you make really gorgeous cards!! (ok forgive me while I amuse myself, ugh!)
I love your braces and what a wonderful sister for making your sis not feel alone, well, minus the pain and all...
Your hair came out fabulous and you two are SO gorgeous!!!!
HA!! I love you Sharon!! Paint fumes or not, there are others out there like us, Debi!!!!
Now that I have you confused, Sharon, Debi and I crack ourselves up all the time! I will think of something and just start laughing. Huh, maybe that's why people look at me weird in the elevators??
Yay Laura! You both are so beautiful! I'm so glad you don't have purple hair...although personally, I would have loved to have seen THAT. Hope J's the party was wonderful and ya'll had a glorious weekend!
Much love,
Look who's back!! Jeremy's party was a blast...Debi posted a blog about it. I see you had a great time at your party. I can't wait to see the pics!
I think your hair looks great! Tin Foil braces are only good if you don't bite down and get that ewwwwwww feeling!
Whatever you do, don't overbleach your teeth. That's what I did and I glowed in the dark for months...
Yay for blond! You look gorgeous!
Thank you!! Yeah...too late about the eeeewwwww taste, it happened the moment I bit down. BLAH! But, it was for my sister so I didn't think twice about "taking one for the team".
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