Hello my fabulous friends! Well, it has been pointed out that I do not have my end date visible. OOPS! Come on people!!! You can't read my mind??? HAHAHAHA!! AAAhhhh yes. I'm a ding dong! The end date is this Sunday, January 25th and I will announce the winner then ;-)
I am holding my first ever give away on my blog; "Not Even A Crumb Left". Since I offer so many different things in my "treats" shop it was a little difficult to think of what to give. Then it hit me...just about everyone loves chocolate so what better to give away than my Black Tie Cookie Bars!
My Black Tie Cookie Bar is a delicious moist dark chocolate cookie dough with scrumptious premium white chocolate chips mixed in then baked into a cookie bar. As soon as it comes out of the over, layers of creamy milk chocolate is added on top and smoothed out to create a heavenly chocolaty top. This is the chocolate lovers dream bar!
The rules are quite simple- just leave a comment on this post letting me know you are interested in the give away. You have the opportunity to double your entry if you add the above picture in your next post and give a short "blurb" about it. That's it!
The lucky winner will be chosen by a random name generator off of Random.com.
I would like to give a great big shout out to the fabulous Mz. Sharon for making the give away badge. Isn't she just the greatest??
Good luck to all and have a "sweet" day!
Laura, how can I resist this!!! My tongue can taste the chocolate already!! I'm not blogging at the moment (closed my blog) so I can't post about it there (but maybe that's a good thing...more chances for moi!! lol!!).
Yummy! These look absolutely sinful!
Oh ho ho!!! Count me in on this one and I'll definitely blog about it! Will let you know once it's blogged about. ;-)
Thank you Ladies :-D Your names are already "in the hat" for the comments ;-)
Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh!!! Black... Cookie... Free... Tie... Bar! Chalk Up One More! I'd LOVE Some!
Oh they look absolutely yumptious!!! Pick me, pick me!! Oh yeah, you can't send them here! Tell you what, if I'm chosen then I'll donate them to someone on your side of the pond, that way I can still join in the fun!
*clutches chest* ARG! You're killin me here!!! Ok, I can speak from experience here people...these are tiny pieces of heaven. Its like a party in your mouth. Fer Real!!! :D
I'd love to put my name in the hat, but...*stands proud* I will have to pass. I'm doing so good on my diet...if those things made it my way, they'd be gone in about an hour. LOL
Ahem...However, I will blog about it just to plug plug plug yer shop :D Yay!!! Let me know if its too late. I'm posting tomorrow (Wednesday)
Go you!! Hugs! ♥
Aaahhh. My darling Josh and Ang :-D Thank you! It is not too late to post, not at all. You're the bombdiggity DUDE!!
Catherine...I have an idea. If your name is picked, why couldn't I send you all the dry ingredients? Now, I know it kind of sucks that you would have to bake your own winning, but you would at least get them! HAHAHA..OK, that does sound a bit funny but at least you would get your winnings ;-)
My gosh, that description gives me cartoon tongue...you know the one where the tongue rolls out the mouth, down the chin and rolls out across the floor?
That's where mine is right now...y-um-oh! Slurp slurp slurp!
Include me in the fight for these awesome goodies!
What an awesome giveaway Laura! I'm not sure that I should enter though due to having already received wonderful free samplers from you. Hey, if I'm able to enter, if by chance I win, I'll have you post them to somebody else of my choosing. How does that sound? I couldn't see the end date of the giveaway btw. Maybe it's a surprise. You are so full of surprises ;)
Thank you RockerJewlz! You are officially entered ;-) I love your comment....that is just way too funny :-D
HH- you are just too good! If you win, and you REALLY want to give them away, I am all for it ;-) The lovely Catherine would like to give hers too if she wins. I need to find a way of shipping over seas that would reach my dear friends within a matter of a few days. HEY...isn't there a space shuttle launching soon??? HAHAHA!
Sounds like a pretty fabulous idea to me Laura - thank you! Let's see what happens.......
Pssst! I posted about your giveaway. ;D
You are too funny! Your goodies are amazing. The Commander has already eaten THREE of those pretzels and he doesn't even like sweets. Woot!
Oh I am happy to hear the Commander likes the pretzels. It is always a thrill when I hear that someone likes something I make that they normally would not eat. WooHoo! Happy Dance!!!
Oh Yum! count me in!! :)
I'm not entering (you know, food allergies), but wanted to wish you well on your first give-away!
Your sis :)
I want to tell you, this sounds sinful..I pack the pounds on every winter and God help me, if I had this bar in the house..Would fight my husband and anyone that touched it..
Hi my sweet friend! Please stop by my blog when you have a moment, I've left an award for you. hugs♥
Thank you everyone for entering the contest! It is now time for me to put the names in the "hat" and find out who the lucky winner is!!!
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