I am honored to accept the Lemonade Award from the fabulous Sharon of Mana Moon Studios! This is an insightful award for it brings encouragement to those who may be in a difficult situation...what do we do when life throws us lemons??? We make LEMONADE!
This award could not have come at a better time. Just today I received an unwanted phone call from my vet. My beautiful Sierra (also known as Big Mama) has a very dangerous level of triglycerides...it is so high that she risks going into seizures. We knew that her time with us was getting close to the end but I did not expect to hear what the vet had to say today. Sierra's chance of surviving 2009 is very slim. BUT this is where I take those damn lemons and make sweet lemonade. Sierra has been in our lives since she was 6 weeks old...she has grown up with our children and has been our daughter, sister, protector and very best friend. No one and nothing lives forever...we are so blessed to have this lovely lady in our lives and we are thankful that we still have time with her. So please do not be sad for my Big Mama. Please be happy for the life she has lived and the love she continues to give every single second.
Now the rules- I am to post it on my blog and then pass it on to others. Since all those who I would pass it to have already been awarded with it, I will pass on passing it ;-)
In other news, I am going back to work! Though I am very thankful for the success I am having with my newest shop, I still require a steady income. So, I am going back to work for Rural Metro Corporation which is Rural Metro Fire Department and Southwest Ambulance. I am excited to be going back and even more excited that I will be working 3 days a week so I have plenty of time to work on my shops!!
Finally...FOOD! I have attempted to duplicate the Oreo! Yes...Oreo. You know that yummy, delicious, cream filled cookie sandwich that I love so much, especially crumbled on ice cream or dipped in milk. It's the cookie that, if I had them in the house, they would last only a minute? I mean...you know? The Oreo? HAH! Anyhoo...I almost did it!!! I have posted the copy-cat in my bake shop and, though they do not taste 100% like the Oreo, they taste pretty darn good ;-)
So...that's about it! Thanks for stopping by :-D